
Windows Tablet PC will be the best business choice

Tablet PC in the Apple IPad the impetus to form a buying trend. Tablet PC manufacturers now introduce, in addition to Apple's use of IOS, the remaining majority of the Android system android tablet pc. But Windows7 operating system, after all, is the most powerful of all personal computer terminal operating system level, compared cheap tablet pc to smart phones and Android-level system with a broader IOS software compatibility, supports almost all third-party software. Tablet PC Windows platform, will shine in the field of business applications, mainly due to Microsoft's previous operating Saayi A8I system on PC-class field has a huge market share. For long-term use Microsoft operating systems, the pursuit of stability and security of enterprises, the familiar Windows environment allows users to more easily operate without the need for change inherent in the use of habit.

Market forecasts, with Microsoft's Windows operating system, and can achieve the original two-touch input android tablet pc and handwriting tablet long life, high-end business Superpad 3 tablet PC will be the best choice. Currently in the global market, only a few professional brand to launch a similar high-end business tablet, such as KUPA X11, Fujitsu Q550, Motion CL900 and so on.

The above three relatively high-end commercial tablet found three products support dual-touch, more general configuration of the android tablet pc is high, of course, price zenithink c91 is higher than the average entertainment tablet. Currently sold in China is KUPA of X11 and Fujitsu Q550, Motion CL900 is currently in China yet have sales.

