
Windows8 plate More details

Microsoft "Building Windows 8" blog published more details of the operating system Windows 8, Windows 8 shows android tablet pc the system running on the tablet, when the horizontal and vertical layout optimization cheap tablet pc of the interface. Previously, Microsoft demonstrated Windows 8 has been flat horizontal interface.

According to a survey of users, Microsoft found that the use of the Tablet PC, there is no specific position and orientation, but based on what use to adjust the display panel direction. For android tablet pc this reason, Microsoft's design goals for WIndows 8 is either a horizontal or vertical, are more ergonomic, more comfortable to the user's operation, most of the thumb can easily use the navigation bar click enter.

Windows 8 is currently under virtual keyboard, a file chooser (File picker), the shortcut menu (Charm) in the horizontal and vertical modes can have a good run, horizontal and vertical-type mode of operation remain the same, users do not need to adjust the operation to adapt.

Windows 8 team is currently being addressed horizontal, vertical "stable" switch, so as to ensure that when using the Windows 8 tablet slight tilt will not lead to "random" direction switch. In addition, Windows 8 flat direction will have a hardware lock to prevent such problems.

Meanwhile, Windows 8 for android tablet pc different ratio (eg 4:3, 16:9) display support is also being developed, in Windows 8, the application (app) can be automatically adjusted at runtime to adapt to different display resolutions proportion of the screen, but Windows 8 limits the app most basic resolution of 1024 × 768.

